Let’s do this….

Oh hello there!!  thanks for finding me.  If I’m honest this was just a spur of the moment idea to start a blog and put myself out there but hey I’m here now so let’s see where this journey takes me.

So why the name “dreamerinhighheels” you might be thinking, well just to clarify things – I’m actually a lover of high heels and love the confidence I get just from slipping my feet into a pair of these sometimes beyond crippling shoes but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The Dreamer part is pretty self explanitary – yes I’m a bit of a dreamer, my head is constantly buzzing with ideas of things I wish I could do but never have the balls to get out there and give it a go. This is where this blog comes into light, I thought maybe by posting some of my dreams and ambitions with you lovely lot, I might just feel that bit of braveness inside of me to actually give them a go in real life and not just in my head..
So any support and encouragement is always welcome.
If I’m totally honest, I’m a little scared – it hasn’t been the easiest of times for me this last couple of years (will get into that later) but I’m really hoping by letting go of some of this stuff that’s cluttering my head and putting it out there, it may just help me move forward.

Anyway, let’s start this hopefully beautiful journey into the unknown…..