I’m back…

Oh dear, I have failed pretty badly with this blog so far. How has it gone from the 27th April until now!

So where have I been and what have I been doing since my last post. Well, I have been spending time with my kids, I miss living with my youngest so damn much, I love to spend as much time with her as I can. We just love to chat about everything, we listen to music, watch movies, go shopping, drink lots of tea…. Do all the mother and daughter stuff that we should do. Last week we had a fantastic day at the seaside, the sun was beaming, we ate fish’n chips and finished off with a ice-cream(it has to be done right?).

Anyway, I have done a lot of soul searching over the last few weeks too, thinking about things, alot of things… My head kind of feels pretty full of questions at the minute and I’m trying to find the answers. I’m trying to figure out where Im heading in life? What do I want to do with myself? I’m 37 for crying out loud, I can’t hide away in my bedroom forever can I? I know it’s way to easy to shut myself away but that’s just a waste of life?? Isn’t it?

Having a mental illness (which I will tell you more about soon) really can mess with your head and your thinking and I really don’t like it at times, but these things happen to us and we have to find a way to deal with it as best we can.

I will go into more in my next post…

I hope your still here.

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